Since we will receive WKA certificate from New York, we need to complete the test application form. This is the basis for getting a certificate. ​ KYU Exams are until students achieve Blackbelt. Each color belt is KYU a exam ​ DAN Exams are for Black Belt test such as first DAN, Second DAN etc.​ ​

Generally we conduct two belt test for a year until you are brown belt. SO, for under brown belt, next week is going to be a one belt test and during the seminar, there will be another belt test. Seminar is the collection of knowledge from visiting masters as a mandatory learning as per WKA rules where we affiliated/member to.​

Belt Tip/tap test is like a Formative exams in MCPS. in between tests to test a specific items such as Kihon, Katas, sparring. ​ Belt test is like summative exams in MCPS. this is a cumulative test for a belt promotion. If a student pass the test, he/she will be promoted to next color belt. This is not a tip/tap test.​

Up to brown belt, kids go through test for every 4 to 5 months depends on their understanding, practice, home works etc​. After Brown Belt, it takes 8 to 9 Months for each Kyu​ After Brown 1, it takes another 10- 12 months to get a Black Belt.​

All the Belt test requires Testing Fee which includes, Testing, New Belt, and corresponding certificate which is signed by Japan/USA/MD instructors.​ We do not charge for tip test though we are asked to charge fee as per Zen Karate Academy/WKA rules to keep the record. Hope you all remember that I always discuss money commitment when you signup for the classes. This is one of them.